Wednesday, 13 May 2009


The colours are my sword

I'm covered in blood
I'm covered in seman
I'm covered in teeth
I'm covered in salt
I'm covered in gold
I'm covered in skulls
I'm covered in silk
I'm covered in colour

I want to write this novel

Once bitten twice bitten

Chronochloric mastibules clamouring for attention
grabbling up your trunk to the brentiferous bounteous branches

Bite them and they retreat back down away from you, watching from a safe distance so as not to upset you, so as not to make you think that they take it personally

They do

Break open a spellonic slice and they dance their dance again

(Cheap little whores)

Friday, 1 May 2009

I am you are we will

A broken melon on the pillow with it's pink insides only held in by gravity and careful handling
(not a drop has been spilt, but we have tasted it and it's good melon)

A pink ball of gum not used to being out of the wrapper looking strange there on the bed
(you say you like it like that and I believe you through my protests)

A house full of friends without a drop of blood between them
(oh how they laugh at the spectacle)

A road that looks too safe and too straight
(there are no trolls here)

A bucket of kittens
(each one a promise)